We are proud to support our clients in making an impact.

A GCC government changing the future of learning

Improving education at a system level is exceptionally hard work. In most cases, it requires a recalibration of teaching and learning practices, curriculum, performance standards, and teacher and leader development.

Team members have designed and are delivering the system’s approach to identifying students at risk and in need of enrichment, designing and procuring programs to meet the needs of these students, assessing the impact of intervention, and providing capacity building for school leaders, teachers, and teaching assistants in English and Arabic.

A government opening an elite STEM school

Countries need to invest in human capital development throughout their citizenry’s learning journey.

Verdant team members worked with a MENA government entity to create an academic plan for a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) school that brings diverse gifted and talented youth from across the country to a single, well-equipped location for learning.

Over a one-year period, Verdant team members worked with stakeholders from government, academia, and industry to design the curriculum, board composition, teacher and leader profiles, target partners, entrepreneurship programs, and a professional learning program for staff.

The school opened in September, 2022.

A Foundation Supporting Play-Based Learning

We were delighted when a UAE-headquartered foundation approached us to help answer the question: Can after-school learning be fun…for teenagers? The answer, of course, is yes. But becoming a trusted expert on fun while maintaining classroom management can present challenges. Following a deep dive to understand the aims of and challenges presented by the program, we developed a series of professional learning sessions to equip and empower instructors to drive engagement and joy while fostering community and responsibility.

An ambitious affordable school group striving to deliver a world-class education

A multi-school UAE group to support the improvement of their schools. Following a review of inspection reports, planning, student performance data, and interviews with stakeholders, identified key levers for success. Aligned to these levers, we partnered with the schools on strategic planning, pre-inspection documentation, data-driven instruction, performance management, and improved teaching and learning. As a result, all schools engaged moved a full inspection rating.

We work with governments and private schools - from the most to the least resourced - with a shared and relentless focus on impact.

Literacy Coaching to address COVID-19 learning loss

When students at an elite U.K. curriculum private school group in Abu Dhabi returned to in-person learning, teachers from across year groups and disciplines noticed learning gaps. These gaps were underscored by a drop in student stanine scores on the GL assessment.

We worked with the group to analyze the assessment results and benchmark intervention practices against contemporary research. We found a case of “striving incoherence” - teachers working hard, but not seeing improvement in student outcomes.

To address this, we trained curriculum and middle leaders in research-based approaches to teaching and learning and supported their English Heads of Department to use their existing resources more systematically with the aim of equipping students to make 1.5 years of growth in one academic year.

A ministry changing teacher mindsets

Teacher mindsets directly influence student learning. According to McKinsey and Company, teachers who have high expectations for their students see higher rates of growth and attainment - even without changing the curriculum.

Those who teach their students how to be successful see even better results.

Through an engagement with a leading consulting firm, we worked with a national ministry to plan a teacher onboarding boot camp intended to upskill, excite, and inspire. A core element of this boot camp was a workshop focused on building learning relationships and challenging disempowering beliefs while fostering mindfulness and self-regulation among students.